New Life Men’s Retreat 2025

The book of 2 Timothy is a letter from Paul to Timothy that teaches readers what it means to be a disciple and how to disciple others. And its center point is the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Together we’ll walk through the book of 2 Timothy. We’ll learn what it means for disciples to be entrusted with the gospel, shaped by the gospel, and driven by the responsibility of sharing the gospel with others. Along with the teaching of the Word of God we will also experience great worship, food, and fellowship with other men. Bring your sons and invite your friends. Hope to see you there! 

New Life Church

Friday evening (6:00-9:00) and Saturday morning (8:00-12:00)

march 14-15, 2025

Cost: $20 | includes Friday evening meal and Saturday breakfast

We’ll have t-shirts for those that register and pay by February 23!

You can pay online (use the button below) or bring your payment to the church - drop it off at the office during the week or put it in the offering boxes on Sunday. Please make sure it is clearly marked “Men’s Retreat” and has your name on it.