Bearing Good Fruit

8:30am - 2:00pm at the Life House

Registration Fee: $10 | includes morning coffee and lunch


Join us as our speaker, Mary Wiley, leads us through the early chapters of Matthew. We will explore the life of Jesus and what it means for our own lives as we walk in a manner worthy of Christ, bearing good fruit. Gather together for a time of learning, discussion, worship, great food, and intentional fellowship.

You can pay your $10 registration fee at the church (make sure it is clearly marked “Women’s Conference” and drop it in the offering boxes). You can also bring it to the retreat with you or pay online using the button below.


About Our Guest Speaker:

Mary Wiley

I am passionate about teaching women how to read their Bibles and how to think about God. I get to do this through writing (both in published work and for my local church) and teaching for conferences and churches, as well as getting to help others do this in my everyday work as associate publisher at B&H Publishing Group. God has been so kind to allow me to serve the Kingdom in ways that I so enjoy.