Annual Church Campout
August 5-6, 2022
We'd love to have you join us for the annual New Life Church campout!
We gather in the Upper Loop of Memorial Park (it's the area beyond the duck pond). People bring their campers or their tents and stay Friday night and Saturday night.
Don't like to camp??? Non-campers are welcome to hang out and enjoy the campfires, the visiting around the picnic tables, the kids hiking and playing together.
Non-campers are welcome!
7:00pm Campfire Worship
7:30pm S’mores
10-12 Group Games
12-2 Giant Slip-n-Slide
6pm Meal -tickets required
6:45pm Testimonies, Worship, and Baptisms
church family meal
Saturday evening (8/6) at 6pm we will gather for a church family picnic-style meal. You can purchase tickets for the meal in the foyer on Sundays, in church office during the week, or through the link below. Tickets are $7 for adults and $6 for kids.
After the Saturday evening meal we will head down to the lake for baptisms. Adults, teens, and children that would like to be baptized or would just like to learn more about baptism please call the church office (886-1977) or send an email to Lezlie at