1&2 Peter: Thriving in Trials
Imagine being in the early church and receiving a letter from a close personal friend of Jesus Christ. How encouraging would that have been?
We have two such letters from one of the most polarizing disciples that Jesus had. Peter was a paradox of a man if there ever was one. Peter had times of both great triumph and incredible failure. Yet through it all Jesus taught him what patience, mercy, love, grace and steadfastness was all about. Therefore, Peter could write to people who were going through struggles and difficulty from personal experience.
1 & 2 Peter seeks to teach us that we can trust in the providence and plans of God in the midst of great trials and suffering. Peter could write about these things because he himself had to endure them. We have much to learn about having joy in the struggle from these letters. We can gain such encouragement and resolve to stand fast in the world we have been called to live in.
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Glenn Walker
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Billy Evans
Rev. Hank Roso
Pastor Glenn Walker
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Chris Johnson
Pastor Glenn Walker
Pastor Chris Johnson
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Chris Johnson
Pastor Glenn Walker
Pastor Billy Evans
Pastor Billy Evans