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For a second year, we are encouraging our New Life Church family to spend the month of July on a mission to show love to our community. We have a list below - some opportunities to partner with others and some ideas to challenge you to reach out into your own neighborhood.  


WEdnesday, July 4 | parade

WEdnesday, July 11 | blessing city hall

We delivered treats to say “thank you” to our city government.  

wednesday, july 18 | gifts for beacon center

The Beacon Center offers a variety of services to support trauma victims in our community. We asked them what some of their needs are and many people in our church family brought donations. 

july 24-26 | camp out vbs

We have evening meals followed by music, games, and activities to give kids “s’more of Jesus.” You can help us get the word out by giving invites to your neighbors and friends (we have some for you at the Info Center in the foyer), by sharing our facebook event page and by volunteering (sign up here).


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anytime | invite a neighbor to your home

We encourage you to reach out to a neighbor and invite them over for a meal. This is for EVERYONE - no need to sign up!


the whole month of july

  • Pray that God increases our burden & love for the city
  • Pray that God would empower us to live as missionaries in everyday life
  • Pray that the lost come to personally know Jesus Christ


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