This Week at New Life


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Uncomfortable Church Sermon Series begins

Most of us have an idea about what the perfect church is. Sometimes we can romanticize the early church and forget all the trials and difficulties they experienced. This sermon series will be a challenge to embrace the truth that many times we grow spiritually when we get out of our comfort zone. This 5 week series will be calling us into deeper relationships and community. It will challenge our consumeristic attitude toward the church and encourage us to roll up our sleeves and get involved on a deeper level. We may be pleasantly surprised when we get out of our comfort zone, step out in faith, that we once again we experience the joy of the Lord.


We will be celebrating communion on Sunday, August 9. If you are planning to join us online, you will want to have your communion elements ready at home.


We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.

Deeply Rooted in God’s Word Together

From June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 we will be focused on intentionally setting aside time to read God’s Word. We have some tools for you as well as ways to let us know what you've been reading so we can track our progress as a church family. We'd like read 52,000 chapters this year!

We have a basket for completed June/July cards ready in the foyer. You can also pick up a new card for August/September. If you’ve been letting us know how many chapters you’re reading through our online form, we don’t need the cards back - we don’t want to count the chapters twice! But if you haven’t told us yet, we really want to record your numbers so we can reach our goal of 52,000!

Aug-Sept Cards.jpg

You can track any chapters that you read. If you aren’t sure where to start, we have resources to help on our website.

Annual Business Meeting & Ministry Reports

Our yearly New Life business meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 30, 9:00-10:30am in the Fellowship Hall - coffee and donuts will be served. We have printed annual reports with information from our ministry leaders and elders available in the foyer. If you are not able to pick up your annual ministry report, please call the church office (886-1977) and we can send a digital version to your email address or mail the paper copy.

Community Worship & Prayer

We will be gathering again with other churches in our community for worship and prayer. Please join us Sunday, August 23, 6pm at Hope for Life Community Church.

Getting Connected Lunch

If you are new to New Life or would like to find out more about our church family, we’d love to have you stay for lunch after the 10:45 worship service on Sunday, August 16. Pastor Michael and other leaders would like to meet you and will be available to answer questions. Please RSVP by Thursday, August 13 so we know how much food to order ( or 886-1977).

Baptisms on Sunday, September 13

We are planning a time for baptisms on Sunday, September 13. If you (or your child/teen) would like to be baptized or if you have questions about baptism, please contact the church office (605-886-1977 or



Reverend Hank and Holly Roso

  • Pray for the family of Pastor Masalon who was killed by rebels last month.  Pray for Pastor Tacpan’s family after his death last month from a brain hemorrhage.  Please pray for Pastor Yata as he recovers from a broken femur when a coconut tree fell onto his home.

  • Please pray for Robbie and ReBecca McClelland, and their three children as they adjust to their new lives. They came to serve at the Midwest Bible Camp as missionaries doing church work and gospel outreach through the camp. They are still trying to raise their support and are about 70% in reaching their goal.

  • Please pray for the fall season of ministries as the camp opens up after the COVID shutdown.

  • Please pray for the Small Room Ministry as the camp provides housing and necessities for those seeking freedom from their addictions.


Missions Trip Opportunity for Summer 2021

We are planning a mission trip to return to Dorie's Promise in Guatemala City July 10 -16, 2021.  If you are interested in more information about joining the trip, please contact Lorna at or 881-6747. 


Operation Christmas Child

Each year we give our church family an opportunity to pack shoeboxes that are distributed to kids around the world. This is a great time to plan ahead and get some extra school supplies and/or clothing items that you can add to your shoeboxes.

BOLT Backyard VBS

Janet’s been busy putting together backyard VBS kits! We’ll provide a bag full of supplies for games and crafts, backpacks for the kids, and online videos with Bible lessons and music. You gather your kids and some of their friends for 3 days (1 1/2 hours each day) - whatever days work into your schedule.
