Sunday, January 30, 2022
Nursery care for children 0-2 is available all morning. Children’s Church is offered during the 11:00 service for kids age 3-5.
We have Sunday School Classes for All Ages!
We have classes for everyone age 3 - adult and nursery care for infants and toddlers. Classes will be held between the two worship services: 10:15-11:00am. Please plan to stick around if you attend the first service or come early if you attend the second service!
Gentle and Lowly (adult class) will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll watch some video teaching and have discussion around tables. The teaching will be relevant whether or not you’ve read the book. Please join us!
We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.
Deeper in Relationships
From June 2021 to August 2022 we will go deeper in relationships with people outside and inside the church body to intentionally share the grace and love of Jesus Christ with them and to grow together as his disciples.
The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus intentionally engaging those inside and outside the family of God. We want to know and obey the words of Jesus and we also want to emulate his lifestyle. We will be a people who are willing to get out of our comfort zone and make building relationships a higher priority in our everyday lives. We know that in our post-Christian culture it is a poor strategy to sit back and wait for people to attend our worship services. We challenge every person at New Life to meet, talk to, get to know, and go deeper with at least 1 person within our church family and 1 person outside our church family each month!
In the coming months you can anticipate sermons about reaching out to others with the love of Christ, evangelism training taking place in Life Groups, continued times of prayer, and an overall focus on building relationships with people in the six counties all around us.
Monday nights in the month of January we are going discover who the true Jesus is. You will be fascinated to learn that Jesus broke the status quo of his day and time and was wildly different than most people’s expectations. Whether you have been in church a long time or have never been before, you are invited to join us Monday, January 31 to DISCOVER THE REAL JESUS!
Concert of Prayer
Join us for a time of prayer at the church building.
Our next Concert of Prayer will be Sunday, January 30, 2022 | 6-7pm
Missions Sunday - February 6
On February 6, some of the missionaries that we support as a church will be joining us for our worship services. Between the worship services our adult Sunday School classes will not be meeting and we’ll have a time for you to visit with them and learn about what God is doing in the various ministries that they represent.
We are planning to have baptisms during our worship services on February 13. If you (or your child/teen) are interested in being baptized or finding out more about what baptism means please contact Lezlie ( or 886-1977).
All of our New Life Families, Couples, or Singles are invited to come! Our youth will be your servers and babysitters for the evening. We’ll be collecting free-will donations to help support our Youth Group Summer Missions Trip to the Twin Cities (July 17-23). Please RSVP by Feb. 6 so we can be ready for you.
Mark your calendars…
woMen’s Retreat | Friday & Saturday, march 25-26
Men’s Retreat | Friday & Saturday, April 29-30
Child Dedication
We will have a time of Child Dedication during our Worship Services on Sunday, March 6. If your family would like to be involved, or if you have questions about child dedication, contact Lezlie (886-1977 or
Women’s Bible Study on Zoom
Study the gospel of Luke with a group of ladies via Zoom on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:15, starting February 7 and going approximately 15 weeks.
We’re hoping you’ll join us and maybe even invite a friend! Contact Dawn S. ( or Dana N. ( for more information and to get the Zoom invite.
Kids & Youth are welcome to join us Wednesday evenings!!!
Learn more and register on our website…
Discipleship Pathway
Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.
Next fall, a group of Watertown area pastors will be leading a trip to Israel and you can go along!
We have brochures with more information at the Info Center in the foyer or you can use the button below to look at a digital version.