Comments from Pastor Billy about chapter three of his summer book recommendation - a great read for high school graduates and their parents!
There Are a Lot of Different Views Here--How Can We Say That Christianity Is the Only Right Religion?
The exclusive nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him being the only way to right relationship with God, has to be one of the most controversial ideas in our world today. Kruger starts this chapter off with a quote from G. K. Chesterton, “Right is right, even if nobody does it. Wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong about it.” The truth in a fact does not change whether 1 person or 1 billion people believe the truth. It is the truth based on its accuracy and validity.
College can be a wonderful experience where you are challenged with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. It may sound arrogant to claim that Christianity is the only way. However, it is not based on our own enlightened understanding. Kruger writes, “Our knowledge doesn’t come from our efforts to figure out God but rather is the result of God graciously revealing himself to us. For Christianity, religion is not about humans finding God but about God showing himself to humans.” God has chosen to reveal himself in the Bible, but also in the God-Man Jesus Christ. It is incredible to realize that God, through Christ, humbled himself to come to this world and reveal himself most intimately. Jesus himself said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Can we take Jesus at his word? Can we just proclaim what it is that Jesus has said about himself? It takes a lot of the pressure off of us, since Jesus is the one who said it.
There is a statement going around recently that goes like this, “Christianity might be your truth, but that doesn’t mean it is my truth.” Have you ever heard anyone claim that before? I am sure that you have in one way or another. This is the idea of RELATIVISM. Where truth does not have a historically reliable, objective sense to it. Instead, it can be molded and shaped by the person you are, your background, your experiences, etc. However, as Kruger points out, “Relativism ends up being self-contradictory. The statement ‘There is no objective truth’ is itself an objective truth claim.”
So, if you were talking to a friend and they stated that there is no such thing as truth, Frank Turek, a popular Christian apologist, likes to answer people who say there is no such thing as truth; “IS THAT TRUE?” Essentially the argument is self defeating, as it fails to meet the criteria of its own standard.
I will continue through the book over the summer months, however, I would encourage you to pick up the book and maybe read through parts of it with your family, whether they are headed off to college or not.
In Christ,