This Week at New Life

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Worship Services - 8:30am and 11:00am

Sunday School classes for all ages at 10:00am

Nursery care for children 0-2 is available during the 11:00 service and during Sunday School.

Children’s Church for ages 3-5 is available during the sermon portion of the 11:00 service.

Join us on Sunday morning to pray over our worship services!

Connection Cards

We have Connection Cards available on the backs of the chairs in the sanctuary. Guests can fill them out and take them to the Info Center for a free gift. Anyone can use them to submit prayer requests, request more information about ministries, update personal contact information, ask a question, or give feedback. Cards can be dropped into the offering boxes at the entrances to the sanctuary.

Upcoming Events at a Glance

December 1 | Concert of Prayer, 6:00pm at the church building

December 3 | Prime Time Lunch, for those 60+, 12:00 in the Fellowship Hall

December 15 | Sunday School kids sing during our Worship Services

December 15 | Concert of Prayer, 6:00pm at the church building

December 24 | Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, 5:00pm

(keep reading for more details)

Our Adult Sunday School class will be going through a 4-week study on “The Bible and Roman Catholicism.”

The Ministry Insight Tool provides an opportunity for our congregation to take a fresh look at our church’s ministry. The results will provide helpful insights on issues vital to our church. Everyone who is part of our church family is encouraged to participate. The online survey will close at midnight, Wednesday, Dec. 4. Paper copies need to be returned to the box at the Info Center on Sunday, December 1. As you reflect on our church, ask the Lord to give us insight into what He wants to do in us and through us as we look at our ministry through fresh eyes.

Listening Visits

Pastor Chris and Rhonda are starting to set up times to meet with those in our church family for “listening visits.” In addition to helping them get to know the New Life family, these visits will help Pastor Chris as he works with the Transition Team to find the man God has for us for our next Senior Pastor. If you would like to set up a time to meet, you can call the church office (886-1977) or send an email to Lezlie.

A note From Rhonda and Pastor Chris

Friends at New Life.

Thank you so much for all you have done to equip our home here in Watertown. From tables to towels, cushions to sit on to cupboards full of supplies, we rejoice in the provision of a cozy residence for us with ample room for company. We would love to get to know you better—feel free to give a call to set up a plan to stop by!

If you are 60+ plan to come for lunch on Tuesday (12/3) - you are welcome to bring a friend! We’ll provide pizza and salad. We’d like to have a few people bring a dessert. You can sign up at the Info Center if you’d like to bake something and bring it along to share.

Are you interested in serving on the New Life Missions Team?

We have a team that watches over the missions budget and communicates with the missionaries and organizations supported by New Life. The team meets once a month. If you would like to learn more contact Tony Jacobson ( or 605-651-4539).

Do you have extra Bibles at home?

A member of our community is collecting Bibles to send overseas. If you have used Bibles that you would like to donate, you can place them in the box near the office door.

When you hear the Sounds of the Season, you feel like the Christmas season has begun!

You are invited to join the Watertown community in celebrating the season at the seventh annual Sounds of the Season Community Concert on Sunday, December 8 at 3:00 or 7:00 p.m. at 1st United Methodist Church, located at 4 2nd Avenue Southeast in Watertown. You can attend or be part of the choir. The button below will take you to a document with the information you need to know to participate.

Each month, we will be highlighting a missionary or organization that is supported by New Life. We encourage you to be praying for them and also learning more about how God is working through them in their area of ministry.

Youth Group | 6:30pm on Wednesdays

This year’s study: Genesis 1-11

In the beginning, God. Some of the most profound and powerful words that have ever been written. We are going to be taking a deep dive into the first 11 chapters of the Book of Genesis. We are going to encounter so many amazing truths that have an impact on us today in our world. Where did everything come from? Why are we here? Why is the world the way it is? Is there hope?

We end each youth evening with snacks for the students. It’s a fun time to hang out and get to know each other. Parents and others in our church family have been great about baking or purchasing snacks for us - if you’d like to sign up to bring the snack one evening, you can use the button below.

Discipleship Pathway

Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.