This Week at New Life

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Worship Services - 8:30am and 11:00am

Sunday School classes for all ages at 10:00am

Nursery care for children 0-2 is available during the 11:00 service and during Sunday School.

Children’s Church for ages 3-5 is available during the sermon portion of the 11:00 service.

Join us on Sunday morning to pray over our worship services!

Connection Cards

We have Connection Cards available on the backs of the chairs in the sanctuary. Guests can fill them out and take them to the Info Center for a free gift. Anyone can use them to submit prayer requests, request more information about ministries, update personal contact information, ask a question, or give feedback. Cards can be dropped into the offering boxes at the entrances to the sanctuary.

Upcoming Events at a Glance

January 31 | Women’s Winter Soup Social, 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall

February 2 | Concert of Prayer, 6:00pm at the church building

February 16 | Concert of Prayer, 6:00pm at the church building

March 2 | Pizza with Pastors, for those new to New Life, 12:15pm in Room 209

(keep reading for more details)

Adult Sunday School Class

10:00am in the Fellowship Hall

Church History, it's not about names, dates and facts. It's about the flesh and blood people of God, those who are members of our spiritual "family tree." It's a fascinating journey, telling the story of how God has preserved His church from the time the Apostles handed off the baton at the close of Acts 28 to the present. 

Come with us as we travel through time and discover how, through the ups and downs, and the challenges and triumphs of life, Christ's Church has prevailed and overcome through the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimonies.

 This will be a fun and informative study, one that raises our vision of God and teaches us what faithfulness to God really looks like. Join us on Sunday mornings and get introduced to some of the family members you didn't know you had! 

Recommended for Membership

The New Life elders are recommending Karl and Heide Kuhlman for membership. In following our church constitution, their names will be posted here for two weeks and then they will be welcomed into membership. If you are wondering how membership works, you can read what our church constitution says about it here. The Next Steps Class is required for membership and we typically hold two series of classes each year. We’ll announce the dates/times here in the digital bulletin when we schedule the classes.

Listening Visits

Pastor Chris and Rhonda are setting up times to meet with those in our church family for “listening visits.” In addition to helping them get to know the New Life family, these visits will help Pastor Chris as he works with the Transition Team to find the man God has for us for our next Senior Pastor. If you would like to set up a time to meet, you can call the church office (886-1977) or send an email to Lezlie.

Join us for an evening of good food and fellowship! You’ll enjoy a flight of soups while you visit with old friends and new friends. Please sign up to bring a soup, salad, bread, or dessert to share. You can sign up at the Info Center in the foyer, call the church office (886.1977), or click the button below. Friends and neighbors are always welcome - bring someone along!

Women’s Bible Study Opportunity

Dana & Dawn will begin studying the book of Hebrews at the end of January.

This Zoom group meets on Monday evenings from 7:00 P.M. - 8:15 P.M. We will send a text reminder and a Zoom link invitation via email each week. We would love to include you!

Bible Study Dates for Hebrews: January 27, 2025 - May 12, 2025

For a detailed reading schedule & all of the Zoom dates, call or text: Dana Niemann (605) 237-3007 or Dawn Stee (605) 868-1445

Are you interested in serving on the New Life Missions Team?

We have a team that watches over the missions budget and communicates with the missionaries and organizations supported by New Life. The team meets once a month. If you would like to learn more contact Tony Jacobson ( or 605-651-4539).

Do you have extra Bibles at home?

A member of our community is collecting Bibles to send overseas. If you have used Bibles that you would like to donate, you can place them in the box near the office door.

Youth Group | 6:30pm on Wednesdays

This year’s study: Genesis 1-11

In the beginning, God. Some of the most profound and powerful words that have ever been written. We are going to be taking a deep dive into the first 11 chapters of the Book of Genesis. We are going to encounter so many amazing truths that have an impact on us today in our world. Where did everything come from? Why are we here? Why is the world the way it is? Is there hope?

We end each youth evening with snacks for the students. It’s a fun time to hang out and get to know each other. Parents and others in our church family have been great about baking or purchasing snacks for us - if you’d like to sign up to bring the snack one evening, you can use the button below.

Discipleship Pathway

Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.