This Week at New Life

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Psalms of Ascent

Week 1 | Psalm 120-Prayer

The Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) were sung by worshipers as they made the journey up to Jerusalem for the annual feasts. The early church used the book of Psalms to sing and communicate to God. As we unpack the Psalms we will learn to sing and pray in a way that touches on all the human emotions. We will also see how the Psalms point us to our ongoing need for the gospel in everyday life. 

Our nursery is open!

We’ve made plans for additional safety and cleaning procedures and we are looking forward to welcoming children age 0-2 into our nursery area during both services and our Sunday School hour.


We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.

Deeply Rooted in God’s Word Together

From June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 we will be focused on intentionally setting aside time to read God’s Word. We have some tools for you as well as ways to let us know what you've been reading so we can track our progress as a church family. We'd like read 52,000 chapters this year!

You can pick up reading plan cards in the foyer. We also have a basket for completed cards. If you’ve been letting us know how many chapters you’re reading through our online form, we don’t need the cards back - we don’t want to count the chapters twice. But if you haven’t told us yet, we really want to record your numbers so we can reach our goal of 52,000!

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You can track any chapters that you read. If you aren’t sure where to start, we have resources to help on our website.

Women’s Weekly Zoom Meeting

A group of women will be having a weekly Zoom meeting on Monday evenings (7-8pm) to discuss the Bible Reading on the plan. If you’d like to join in you can contact Dawn S. ( or Dana N. ( to get the Zoom invite.

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Mike Florey is collecting funds to purchase grocery store gift cards that will be delivered to families that could use some help with purchasing a Thanksgiving meal. Donations can be dropped off at the Info Center. Please make checks to New Life Church with “Share the Blessing” in the memo line. We will need the donations by November 8.

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New Life Youth

Large group night this week (10/21). Middle School and High School students are welcome to join us at the church (6:45-8:15pm)

Want to help feed our youth???

It’s no surprise that teens like food! We are looking for some folks who would be willing to bring a snack for them on Wednesdays at the end of youth group. You could bake or buy the snack and it could be dropped off during the day at the church. We would welcome help from parents, grandparents, or anyone who has a heart to help us create a fun environment for our students to grow closer to Christ. Contact Jen Dingsor (605.881.9152) or Heather Hight (605.212.8093) if you are willing to be on our snack schedule - even just once would be appreciated!

Weekly Missions Prayer Focus

Taylor & Ellie Lindahl

Campus Outreach, Northwestern - St. Paul


The students that have committed to being discipled by our staff team this year have shown great interest and excitement to evangelize to their classmates and teammates.

I (Taylor) have been able to form relationships with about 5 football freshman this year and have had the chance to read the Bible one-on-one with each person.

Prayer Requests:

Continued guidance and wisdom with how to navigate COVID restrictions and guidelines while also trying to host events and get togethers for new students.

Strength and boldness for both our student leaders and our staff team to continue to share our faith with new students as the busyness and weariness grows as the semester progresses.


Missions Trip Opportunity | Summer 2021

We are planning a mission trip to return to Dorie's Promise in Guatemala City July 10 -16, 2021.  If you are interested in more information about joining the trip, please contact Lorna at or 881-6747. 


Operation Christmas Child

Each year we give our church family an opportunity to pack shoeboxes that are distributed to kids around the world. This is a great time to plan ahead and get some extra school supplies and/or clothing items that you can add to your shoeboxes.