Sunday, October 17, 2021
Desperate for God
Are you hungry to know God on a deeper level? Are you tired of skimming the surface of what it means to love God and love others? On Sunday, Oct 17 we will begin a 4 week sermon series about the revival that takes place under King Josiah in 2 Chronicles 34-35. Josiah was only 8 years old when he became king of Judah, yet God used this young man in a powerful way. God’s people had become hard hearted and had drifted into idolatry. God used King Josiah to lead his people into genuine repentance and spiritual revival. We hope you and your family will join us as we seek to rekindle our love and passion for Jesus Christ.
Nursery care for children 0-2 is available all morning. Children’s Church is offered during the 11:00 service for kids age 3-5.
We have Sunday School Classes for All Ages!
We have classes for everyone age 3 - adult and nursery care for infants and toddlers. Classes will be held between the two worship services: 10:15-11:00am. Please plan to stick around if you attend the first service or come early if you attend the second service!
Adorned (women’s class) will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall
Answering the Call to a Man’s Heart (men’s class) will be meeting in Room 209 - near the office entrance
Discipleship 101 will be meeting in Room 201 - across from the nursery
We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.
Deeper in Relationships
From June 2021 to August 2022 we will go deeper in relationships with people outside and inside the church body to intentionally share the grace and love of Jesus Christ with them and to grow together as his disciples.
The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus intentionally engaging those inside and outside the family of God. We want to know and obey the words of Jesus and we also want to emulate his lifestyle. We will be a people who are willing to get out of our comfort zone and make building relationships a higher priority in our everyday lives. We know that in our post-Christian culture it is a poor strategy to sit back and wait for people to attend our worship services. We challenge every person at New Life to meet, talk to, get to know, and go deeper with at least 1 person within our church family and 1 person outside our church family each month!
In the coming months you can anticipate sermons about reaching out to others with the love of Christ, evangelism training taking place in Life Groups, continued times of prayer, and an overall focus on building relationships with people in the six counties all around us.
Wednesday Gatherings for Kids & Youth are up and running for the school year. It’s never too late to join us!!!
Learn more and register on our website…
Dessert will be served. You may want to plan ahead for you and your spouse to have dinner out together prior to the event. Child care will not be provided.
Discipleship Pathway
Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.
Next fall a group of Watertown area pastors will be leading a trip to Israel and you can go along!
We have brochures with more information at the Info Center in the foyer or you can use the button below to look at a digital version.