This Week at New Life

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Worship Services - 8:30am and 11:00am

Nursery care for children 0-2 is available during Sunday School (10:00-10:45) and during the 11:00 service.

Children’s Church for ages 3-5 is available during the sermon portion of the 11:00 service.

You might be tempted to think that the historical events (Jews being liberated from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, wandering in the wilderness, giving of the Ten Commandments, God dwelling with his people in the tabernacle) that took place in Exodus have nothing to say to those of us living in our day and time. Don’t give into that temptation! Every single page of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, is relevant for our everyday life! In the book of Exodus we will explore themes like: the fiery holiness of God, where we can find true freedom, deliverance from sin and slavery, the presence of God, the problem of idolatry, and most importantly we will see that Jesus is the greater Moses and he is the only One that gives us the freedom we desperately need. We are praying that this sermon series through the amazing book of Exodus deepens your knowledge, and your affection, for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Sunday School for all ages at 10:00

This is the last day of Sunday School - classes will start again in the fall after Labor Day.

Adult Sunday School Class

Do you know how God has uniquely wired you? Every believer was created to play a strategic role in the body of Christ with the gifts God has given them. But many of today's Christians face one difficult question: How do I discover my spiritual gifts and then use them effectively in my church?

This video series with Chip Ingram will unpack key passages from Romans, Ephesians, and 1 Corinthians to explore the role of spiritual gifts in the believer's life, while helping you to pinpoint your own. With Biblical insight and practical steps, you'll learn how to discover, develop, and deploy your spiritual gifts so you can live a life of greater impact.

If you miss a session, you can watch the videos on Right Now Media. Sign up for a free account or log in here.

Join us on Sunday morning to pray over our worship services!

Connection Cards

We have Connection Cards available on the backs of the chairs in the sanctuary. Guests can fill them out and take them to the Info Center for a free gift. Anyone can use them to submit prayer requests, request more information about ministries, update personal contact information, ask a question, or give feedback. Cards can be dropped into the offering boxes at the entrances to the sanctuary.

Upcoming Events at a Glance

May 19 | Concert of Prayer, 6pm at the church building

May 26 | Child Dedications in our Worship Services. Contact the church office - 886-1977

June 17-20 | Breaker Rock Beach VBS, 5:30-7:30pm with a meal at 5:00

(keep reading for more details)

March 2025

Child Dedications

We will be having a time of Child Dedications on Sunday, May 26 in our Worship Services. If your family would like to participate please contact Lezlie ( or 886-1977).

Graduate Open Houses

Zachary & Juven Hudson

May 19 • New Life Church • 1-4pm

madison williams

May 25 • Element, 1 N Broadway • 9am-12:30pm

Lucas saraceni

May 25 • New Life Church • 2-5pm

Join us for VBS!

June 17-20 (Mon-Thurs)

Meal at 5:00pm - VBS activities 5:30-7:30pm

Recommended for Membership

The New Life elders are recommending Tony & Christina Doyle for membership. In following our church constitution, their names will be posted here for two weeks and then they will be welcomed into membership. If you are wondering how membership works, you can read what our church constitution says about it here. The Next Steps Class is required for membership and we typically hold two series of classes each year. We’ll announce the dates/times here in the digital bulletin when we schedule the classes.

Do you have extra Bibles at home?

A member of our community is collecting Bibles to send overseas. If you have used Bibles that you would like to donate, you can place them in the box near the office door.

Each month, we will be highlighting a missionary or organization that is supported by New Life. We encourage you to be praying for them and also learning more about how God is working through them in their area of ministry.

Here are some ways you can be praying for Midwest Bible Camp and the Philippine Mission…

  • Pray for our Philippine churches. There are 400 churches and their goal is to have each church plant a church by 2030.

  • Pray for the Bible Camp “Free Camp for Kids” in June and for our summer events. For a move of God and for safety for all involved.

Discipleship Pathway

Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.
