Sunday, December 10, 2023
In the Gospel of John we are going to go in-depth and look at the single most amazing human (God-man) to ever walk the face of this earth, Jesus Christ. Throughout this study in John we are going to be encouraged, shocked, convicted, and left with a deep sense of awe in regards to Jesus of Nazareth. The deepest yearnings of our soul will only be satisfied by the truths that we find in this book. Invite your family, friends, colleagues and join us as we gaze intently at the One who created the world and yet loved us enough to die for us.
Worship Services - 9:00am and 11:00am
Nursery care for children 0-2 is available during the Sunday School hour and during the 11:00 service.
Children’s Church for kids age 3-5 during the 11:00 service.
We’d love to have you join us on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of our Savior together!
We’ll be meeting at our regular Sunday morning worship times (9:00am & 11:00am), but will include all of the elements of our traditional Christmas Eve services - the songs, the scripture readings, and the candles. There will be cookies and coffee between the two services, so plan to stick around or come a little early.
Are you willing to bring some Christmas cookies to share? Contact Sherry ( or 886-1977).
The Boiler Room | every Sunday morning, 8:30-8:55am in Room 209 (near the office entrance)
“ What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men (and women) whom the Holy Ghost can use — men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men — men of prayer.”
Sunday School for all ages (10:15-11:00)
Connection Cards
We have Connection Cards available on the backs of the chairs in the sanctuary. Guests can fill them out and take them to the Info Center for a free gift. Anyone can use them to submit prayer requests, request more information about ministries, update personal contact information, ask a question, or give feedback. Cards can be dropped into the offering boxes at the entrances to the sanctuary.
Upcoming Events at a Glance
Dec 10 | Pizza with Pastors for those new to New Life, 12:15pm
Dec 17 | Sunday School kids sing in our Worship Services
Dec 24 | Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at our regular morning Worship Service times
Jan 8 - Feb 26 | Marriage Care: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage, Mondays at 6:30pm
Jan 9 | PrimeTime Lunch for those 60+, 12:00pm
(keep reading for more details)
Part of our vision at New Life is to develop servant relationships with our local schools. One of the ways we are working towards this is through the Kids Hope mentor program at Roosevelt School. The Giving Tree is another way we can bless the families at Roosevelt.
We’ll be wrapping the gifts on Monday morning, December 11, from 9am-12pm at the Life House. We could use some help with the wrapping. Let Sherry know if you’d like to help ( or 886-1977).
Recommended for Membership
The New Life elders are recommending Marika Russell for membership. In following our church constitution, her name will be posted here for two weeks and then she will be welcomed into membership. If you are wondering how membership works, you can read what our church constitution says about it here. The Next Steps Class is required for membership and we typically hold two series of classes each year. We’ll announce the dates/times here in the digital bulletin when we schedule the classes.
New Members
This week we welcome James & Sandi Block and Heather Venenga-Whipple as members of New Life Church!
Proceeds from the Grace Dance Academy’s Christmas Recital will be donated to FaithAid, a mission in Kenya. FaithAid and the Jacob Fraher family are supported by New Life.
We could use a few more nursery volunteers!
If you would like to help us offer childcare for our young families, please contact Janet Stee ( or 886-1977). We are flexible with scheduling and it really is a blessing to guests and families.
For the next quarter (Oct-Dec), our nursery will not be staffed during the 9:00 service. We will have it open and parents are welcome to be in the nursery with their nursery-age children. We’ll continue to have nursery care available during Sunday School and the 11:00 service.
Missions Trip Opportunity | Summer 2024
We are planning a mission trip to return to Dorie's Promise in Guatemala City. There are two weeks to choose from: June 15-21 or June 29-July 5. Trip highlights will include activities with the children at Dorie's Promise, opportunities to help local families, ability to gain a new firsthand perspective on life in Guatemala, and enjoying the beauty of Guatemala's people and natural resources! The cost of the trip would be $1375 plus airfare. If you are interested in more information about joining the trip, please contact Lorna at or 881-6747.
Our Care Ministry Team is planning seven weeks of sessions to strengthen your marriage!
This year the youth will be studying two important letters that Paul wrote, Galatians and Ephesians. Both of these letters are foundational to understanding that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and in Christ alone. Not only do they explain how we are made right with God, but both Books are so practical in teaching us how to live the Christian life, because we are now “in Christ”. You will be surprised at how clearly they speak into our culture today.
We end each youth evening with snacks for the students. It’s a fun time to hang out and get to know each other. Parents and others in our church family have been great about baking or purchasing snacks for us - if you’d like to sign up to bring the snack one evening, you can use the button below.
Each month, we will be highlighting a missionary or organization that is supported by New Life. We encourage you to be praying for them and also learning more about how God is working through them in their area of ministry.
New Life's support of my ministry is really encouraging. My main prayer request for my ministry through Campus Outreach is that students would continue to come to know who Jesus is and be equipped to tell others. We also have our yearly new years conference coming up, so prayer that students would attend and have their heart softened to the Gospel.
Discipleship Pathway
Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.