Sunday, July 2, 2023
In the Gospel of John we are going to go in-depth and look at the single most amazing human (God-man) to ever walk the face of this earth, Jesus Christ. Throughout this study in John we are going to be encouraged, shocked, convicted, and left with a deep sense of awe in regards to Jesus of Nazareth. The deepest yearnings of our soul will only be satisfied by the truths that we find in this book. Invite your family, friends, colleagues and join us as we gaze intently at the One who created the world and yet loved us enough to die for us.
Worship Services - 9:00am and 11:00am
Nursery care for children 0-2 is available. Children’s Church for kids age 3-5 during the 11:00 service.
Last week Pastor Michael and Marcie were at the EFCA National Conference in California. Here is a video overview of the conference as well as a statement that was approved by the Board of Directors and the Board of Ministerial regarding social movements and cultural trends that can create division.
Sunday School classes are taking a break for the summer.
This summer, we will have coffee and cookies available in the foyer between the two worship services. It’s a great time to catch up with a friend or meet someone new!
Connection Cards
We have Connection Cards available on the backs of the chairs in the sanctuary. Guests can fill them out and take them to the Info Center for a free gift. Anyone can use them to submit prayer requests, request more information about ministries, update personal contact information, ask a question, or give feedback. Cards can be dropped into the offering boxes at the entrances to the sanctuary.
Upcoming Events at a Glance
July 9 | Concert of Prayer in Waverly, 6:00pm
July 23 | Pizza with Pastors, following the 11:00 worship service
July 23 | Concert of Prayer at Rompa’s, 6:00pm
Aug 20 | Community Evening of Worship and Prayer, Midwest Bible Camp, 6:00pm
Aug 27 | Annual Meeting, 10-11am
(keep reading for more details)
Young Adults!
You are invited to a bonfire and dinner on Friday, July 7th, 6 PM. Burgers, hotdogs, malts, fries and s'mores! You may want to bring a lawn chair and something to drink. Feel free to invite a friend.
Questions? Call Pastor Michael (856-904-7092). Look forward to seeing you all there!
Address: 13376 468th Ave, Wilmot
“Without the spark of prayer, the church quietly loses energy, doing only what’s humanly possible.”
Each month, we will be highlighting a missionary or organization that is supported by New Life. We encourage you to be praying for them and also learning more about how God is working through them in their area of ministry.
Here are some prayer requests from Dan and Michelle:
Currently we are tapping into our reserves for the monthly budgeting of the ministry. We are praying for the Lord to guide us in the finances and would greatly appreciate your partnering with us in those prayers.
Also, pray for us to continue to grow in ministering/sharing with those who come through the doors each and every day.
Discipleship Pathway
Are you ready to take the next step? Find out more about how to get involved in a Life Group or a D-Group.