This Week at New Life

Sunday, June 13, 2021

I Corinthians | Church Renewal

Even in the early church there were all kinds of issues, problems, distractions and sinful behaviors. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to bring spiritual renewal to a church that was in desperate need of it. Week in and week out we will find this book to be incredibly relevant for our day and time. We will learn what it means to be a healthy, gospel-centered, unified Church that makes a difference in the six counties all around us. Hope you and your family will join us!

Nursery care for children 0-2 is available all morning. Children’s Church is offered during the 11:00 service for kids age 3-5.

Sunday School classes are taking a break and will start back up after Labor Day. In the meantime, we will have cookies and coffee available between the worship services. We invite you to stick around after the 9:00 service or come early for the 11:00 service to spend some time catching up with friends or getting to know someone new.

3 Ways to go Deeper in Relationships on Sunday Mornings at New Life

  1. Talk to and connect with people who are alone. You may be the person that helps them feel loved and cared for.

  2. Talk to and connect with people who you don’t know. God continues to bring new people to our church. Let’s make sure they know we are excited they have joined us.

  3. Invite people over to your house or to a restaurant for lunch. Yes, it will feel spontaneous and out of your comfort zone but the hospitality you show will make a huge impression to others.

We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.


Deeper in Relationships

From June 2021 to August 2022 we will go deeper in relationships with people outside and inside the church body to intentionally share the grace and love of Jesus Christ with them and to grow together as his disciples.

The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus intentionally engaging those inside and outside the family of God. We want to know and obey the words of Jesus and we also want to emulate his lifestyle. We will be a people who are willing to get out of our comfort zone and make building relationships a higher priority in our everyday lives. We know that in our post-Christian culture it is a poor strategy to sit back and wait for people to attend our worship services. We challenge every person at New Life to meet, talk to, get to know, and go deeper with at least 1 person within our church family and 1 person outside our church family each month!

In the coming months you can anticipate sermons about reaching out to others with the love of Christ, evangelism training taking place in Life Groups, continued times of prayer, and an overall focus on building relationships with people in the six counties all around us.

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Do Your Friendships Reflect God's Heart?

(article by Kevin G. Harney)

Christian community and being part of a local church are essential for a healthy life of faith. God delights when we are active in the body of Christ, his family. But too many Christians get so invested in relationships with their believing friends that they forget to develop and nurture friendships with those who have not come to experience and embrace the grace of Jesus.

Youth Summer Events

New Life Youth teaching nights will begin Sunday, June 13. Check the event calendar for topics and locations. Hope you can join in!

You can find all of the summer events on the calendar below.

Prayer Opportunities in June

Sunday, June 13 | Concert of Prayer at New Life, 6-7pm

Commitment to prayer is critical if we hope to see the Holy Spirit at work in our church and the six counties all around us. We hope you will plan on joining us!

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Serving Opportunity

One way we can care for others in our New Life family is to make meals when there is a new baby or an illness. If you would like to be notified when there is a need for meals, you can sign up here.

We aren't going to assign you to bring a meal --- we're just going to let you know of the need and you can decide then if you would like to commit to bringing a meal. This is a great way to show the love of Christ and support others in our church family!

The Church Campout is back…

and we are well on our way to filling the hill at Memorial Park! We still do have a few sites left - you can reserve your campsite by calling or stopping at the church office during the week (886-1977) or by sending an email to Rachel ( Cost is $50 for two nights (Aug 6 & 7).

Non-campers should mark the dates on their calendars, too. Everyone is welcome to sit around the campfires, swim at the beach, and join us for a church family meal and baptisms on Saturday evening.

VBS is coming soon!

Kids age 4 - 6th grade are invited to join us for four evenings of fun and learning - June 27-30. The button below will take you to our VBS webpage with more details and registration links for kids and volunteers.


Growing Your Marriage Over The Summer Months


There is not one married person who does not need to continue to work on developing and growing their marriage. Over the summer months why not take some time to listen to some really good preaching about marriage and family? HERE is a link for a sermon series called "The Meaning of Marriage" by Pastor Tim Keller. The sermon topics are as follows:

  • Marriage as a Ministry Power

  • Marriage as Commitment

  • Marriage as Commitment and Priority

  • Marriage as Priority and Friendship

  • Marriage as Friendship

  • Marriage as Completion: One Flesh

  • Marriage as Completion: Gender Roles Part 1

  • Marriage as Completion: Gender Roles Part 2

  • Marriage Supper of the Lamb

You can also purchase "The Meaning of Marriage" book HERE.


Please join us for a summer Zoom Bible study! Doug Modica will be teaching and Mary will help with the technology. Anyone is welcome. Share the link with a friend -- forward this email!

Who was Elijah and why is his story valuable today? Elijah was a prophet who heard and obeyed God, and experienced God's provision. He was a prayer warrior who expected miracles, was brave and hated evil. Elijah held his belief when situations turned dim, yet he also ran in fear and faced discouragement and temptation. And the end of his life was astounding!

No homework required. No textbook. We'll work directly from our Bibles. The accounts are mostly in I Kings 16:29 through 2 Kings 2:18 -- including God's provision, Mt. Carmel, Jezebel's threat, Naboth & Jezebel, Ahaziah, and the whirlwind translation.

5 sessions on Tuesday evenings

#1: June 1 - 6:30 - 8:15pm (a little longer this night) Introduction and overview

#2 June 15 - 6:30 - 7:45 pm

#3 July 6 - 6:30 - 7:45 pm

#4 July 20 - 6:30 - 7:45 pm

#5 August 3 - 6:30 - 7:45 pm

August 10 -- save as a make-up date if needed

The link to join each session will be the same. You can reuse this each time:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 520 168 7815
Questions? Contact Mary at or 605/868-4577.
We hope you will enjoy studying about this fascinating man who was used by God in mighty ways!

If you would like to nominate someone to serve as a New Life Elder, please visit or pick up a paper form at the Info Center.

We need to have the nominations by June 27.

EFCA One Virtual Gathering

Wednesday, June 23, 4:30pm

The EFCA Annual Conference is online this year. The button below will take you to their website where you can find out more about EFCA One and how to participate.


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