Sunday, August 29, 2021
I Corinthians | Our Resurrection Hope
Even in the early church there were all kinds of issues, problems, distractions and sinful behaviors. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to bring spiritual renewal to a church that was in desperate need of it. Week in and week out we will find this book to be incredibly relevant for our day and time. We will learn what it means to be a healthy, gospel-centered, unified Church that makes a difference in the six counties all around us. Hope you and your family will join us!
Nursery care for children 0-2 is available all morning. Children’s Church is offered during the 11:00 service for kids age 3-5.
We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.
Our Annual New Life Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, August 29 at 10:00am. We’ll hear from staff and ministry leaders. Members and non-members are welcome to attend. Members will be voting to approve next year’s budget and new elders. Annual reports with the recommended budget and recommended new elders are available in the church foyer.
7PM | AUGUST 29 & 30
The Mark Drama walks us through Jesus’ entire life, death and resurrection according to Mark's Gospel. This is a fast paced 90 minutes that is sure to hit all of the emotions. This is so much more than a Bible study, this is an experience with Jesus. Invite some friends and come experience an unforgettable walk through the Gospel of Mark.
Who can you bring along?
We have invitations ready for you to hand out! You can pick them up in the foyer on Sunday morning or stop in during the week. We’d also love to have you share the Facebook event and indicate that you are “interested” or “going.”
Deeper in Relationships
From June 2021 to August 2022 we will go deeper in relationships with people outside and inside the church body to intentionally share the grace and love of Jesus Christ with them and to grow together as his disciples.
The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus intentionally engaging those inside and outside the family of God. We want to know and obey the words of Jesus and we also want to emulate his lifestyle. We will be a people who are willing to get out of our comfort zone and make building relationships a higher priority in our everyday lives. We know that in our post-Christian culture it is a poor strategy to sit back and wait for people to attend our worship services. We challenge every person at New Life to meet, talk to, get to know, and go deeper with at least 1 person within our church family and 1 person outside our church family each month!
In the coming months you can anticipate sermons about reaching out to others with the love of Christ, evangelism training taking place in Life Groups, continued times of prayer, and an overall focus on building relationships with people in the six counties all around us.
Wednesday Gatherings for Kids & Youth begin September 8!!!
Learn more and register on our website…
Plan to join us between the worship services on Sunday, September 12 for the annual Ministry Fair.
As we kick off a new ministry year, you’ll be able to visit with ministry leaders about how to get involved and ways you can serve. Grab a soft pretzel and some root beer and learn more about what is going on in Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Family Ministry, Life Groups, D-Groups, Adult Sunday School, and more!
Upcoming Prayer Opportunities
Sunday, September 12 | Concert of Prayer is leaving the building again!
This summer and fall we will be taking some of our Concerts of Prayer into the counties around us. On Sunday, September 12, we will gather to worship and pray at the Niemann Home (18044 466th Ave, Clear Lake, SD) at 6:00pm. We’ll have a time of fellowship afterwards with refreshments. Meet at the church at 5:00 is you would like to ride the bus. If you have trouble finding the farm you can give Ron and Dana a call at 605-793-2677.
Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College
Men of New Life!
We are going to be going to the SDSU vs. NDSU game on Saturday, November 6. This is a huge rival game and it is going to be a blast. We will be meeting at the church at 12:00 pm, Pastor Michael will give an encouraging devotion from God's Word, and then we will head out for the game at SDSU. Tickets are $65. There are only 30 tickets, first come first serve. You are guaranteed a spot only after you have purchased your ticket. Stop by the church during the week to get your ticket or come by the Welcome Table in the church foyer.
Missions Prayer Focus
CBC / Channel to Brazil for Christ
Quality Education and Training for children living in poverty in the slums of Brazil
Please pray for the level of violence that has risen greater than 90%. Ten to twelve children are killed each week since the covid epidemic lockdown started.
Please pray for funds for food parcels and the delivery of them.
Please keep CBC leaders, teachers, students, and their families in your prayers.
Praise God that CBC has been one of the only local organizations providing learning and interaction for children and that we have been able to provide and deliver monthly learning materials to the children. Please continue to pray that our online learning may be more accessible to the children.
We are praising God for New Life Church. Thank you for the $2,000 gift from New Life missions - 50 parcels of food were delivered.
Praise God that he is always faithful when we step out in faith.