Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021
Resurrection Hope | Luke 24
Worship Services at 9:00 and 11:00
Breakfast served in the Fellowship Hall 10:00-11:00. (Sunday School classes will not be meeting on Easter.)
Nursery care for children 0-2 is available during both worship services and we will have Children’s Church during the 11:00 service for kids age 3-5.
Would could you invite to join us for Easter?
Let your Facebook friends know you are going and invite them to come along!
Easter Lilies on the stage are in memory of…
Samantha, daughter of Brett & Tammy Miller
We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.
Because of Easter, the April Concert of Prayer dates will be April 11 and 18 (regularly the 1st and 3rd Sunday night of every month). The Concert of Prayer will go from 6-7 pm and we will meet in the sanctuary of the church. There will be some worship through song and a time for personal testimonies regarding the ways that God is answering our prayers.
Commitment to prayer is critical if we hope to see the Holy Spirit at work in our church and the six counties all around us. We hope you will plan on joining us!
Deeply Rooted in God’s Word Together
From June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 we will be focused on intentionally setting aside time to read God’s Word. We have some tools for you as well as ways to let us know what you've been reading so we can track our progress as a church family. We'd like to read 52,000 chapters this year!
We have reading cards for April-May!
You can pick up reading plan cards in the foyer. We also have a basket for completed cards. If you’ve been letting us know how many chapters you’re reading through our online form, we don’t need the cards back - we don’t want to count the chapters twice. But if you haven’t told us yet, we really want to record your numbers so we can reach our goal of 52,000!
Women’s Weekly Zoom Meeting
A group of women will be having a weekly Zoom meeting on Monday evenings (7:30-8:30pm) to discuss the Bible Reading on the plan. If you’d like to join in you can contact Dawn S. (dawnmstee@gmail.com) or Dana N. (dana.niemann@yahoo.com) to get the Zoom invite.
We are planning a time of Child Dedication during our Worship Service on Sunday, April 11. If your family would like to be a part of the service, please contact Lezlie at the church office: lezliee@newlifeefree.org or 605.886.1977.
We’re having a Getting Connected Lunch on Sunday, April 11. If you are new to New Life, we’d like get to know you better. Before COVID, we had these lunches regularly - but if you’ve started attending since then you probably haven’t been invited to lunch yet! Let us know if you are able to come so we can make sure to have enough food - you can send an email to Lezlie (lezliee@newlifeefree.org) or give us call at the church office (886-1977).
New Members Class
Sundays at 10:00am, beginning April 11
If you are interested in learning more about New Life Church, we invite you to attend the New Members Class. It is four weeks long and we’ll talk about the EFCA, the Statement of Faith, the history of New Life Church, and what it means to be a member. At the end of the class you will have an opportunity to apply for membership. Please sign up below so we can have enough materials ready to go.
Men, Mark Your Calendars…
Friday, April 16 - Saturday, April 17
At New Life Church - men will go home to sleep
The theme for the Men's Retreat this year is "Awaken: Alive In Christ."
In Romans 13:11 Paul tells us that "the hour has come for you to wake from sleep." Have you ever noticed how easy it is to go through life as if you were just sleepwalking? When we are sleepwalking we are going through the religious motions but our hearts feel cold and distant towards God. At this retreat we are going to ask God to awaken us and to set our hearts on fire with a love for Him. We hope you will join us!
Register by Easter to get a free t-shirt!
Missions Prayer Focus | Access Ministries
for New Life Church providing food for the needy for take out lunches the third week of each month and for their financial support
for 4 new believers who have been coming to the Good News Hour at 10:00 am to enable them to grow in their faith
for progress in the remodeling project and that the water is back on
for 12 bikes that have been donated by the police department
Prayer Requests:
Pray for more people to help grow in their faith walk.
Pray for God's continued leading in the building project for a new kitchen, cafe and bathrooms.
Pray for more volunteers to help with fixing bikes, cleaning, cooking and cafe construction.