This Week at New Life

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Daniel 9:20-27 | 70 Weeks

Daniel may just be one of the most relevant books of the bible that we can read today. America is experiencing a post-Christian culture which means we have much to learn from a man like Daniel who lived in the Babylonian Empire. How do we live as followers of Jesus Christ as exiles who are longing for their true homeland? Other themes in this fascinating book include the end times and the Second Coming of Jesus.

"And behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom." (Daniel 7:13-14 ESV).

Join us as we dig into this fascinating book!

Nursery care for children 0-2 is available all morning. Children’s Church is offered during the 11:00 service for kids age 3-5.

We encourage you to fill out the online Friendship Register when you worship with us online or in person. You can share prayer requests, ask questions about our ministries, or just let us know that you’d like someone to contact you.

Prayer Opportunities

Tuesday, April 27 | We will be hosting midweek prayer times from 12-1pm on the last Tuesday of each month. Join us on your lunch break for a quiet time of prayer in the sanctuary.

Sunday, May 9 | The Concert of Prayer will go from 6-7 pm and we will meet in the sanctuary of the church. There will be some worship through song and a time for personal testimonies regarding the ways that God is answering our prayers. Because of the Aspire Women’s Conference (5/2), the May Concert of Prayer date will be May 9 and then on May 16 we will join the Community Evening of Worship and Prayer at GracePoint.

Sunday, May 16 | We will not be having a Concert of Prayer at New Life - instead, we encourage you to attend the Community Evening of Worship and Prayer at GracePoint (1616 3rd Ave NE).

Commitment to prayer is critical if we hope to see the Holy Spirit at work in our church and the six counties all around us. We hope you will plan on joining us!

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Deeply Rooted in God’s Word Together

From June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 we will be focused on intentionally setting aside time to read God’s Word. We have some tools for you as well as ways to let us know what you've been reading so we can track our progress as a church family. We'd like to read 52,000 chapters this year!

We have reading cards for April-May!

You can pick up reading plan cards in the foyer. We also have a basket for completed cards. If you’ve been letting us know how many chapters you’re reading through our online form, we don’t need the cards back - we don’t want to count the chapters twice. But if you haven’t told us yet, we really want to record your numbers so we can reach our goal of 52,000!

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Women’s Weekly Zoom Meeting

A group of women will be having a weekly Zoom meeting on Monday evenings (7:30-8:30pm) to discuss the Bible Reading on the plan. If you’d like to join in you can contact Dawn S. ( or Dana N. ( to get the Zoom invite.

D-Group Class

If you are interested in either leading or participating in a discipleship group, please join us for a one-Sunday session.

Sunday, April 25 | 10-11am | Fellowship Hall


Tickets can be purchased online (click on the image above), at the Info Center in the foyer on Sunday mornings, or at the church office during the week.

We’d love to have you join us to celebrate with our graduating youth group seniors.

Please RSVP by May 2 so we can plan for food!


Youth Parent Meeting

Parents, if you have a teen in 6th-12th grade this year we invite you to attend a short meeting in the youth room on Sunday, May2 from 10-11am. You’ll have a chance to hear from Pastor Billy about plans for fun and growth through the summer and also be able to ask any questions you may have!

Youth Camp

The New Life Youth will be taking a bus to Byron Bible Camp for their Teen Camp. Mark your calendars for June 7-11! You can learn more and find out how to register here.

We’ll have more summer youth events to add to your calendar soon!

